Oscar-winning Indian composer AR Rahman was one of the guests at the recent dinner in the Capital hosted in honour of US President Donald Trump, during the latter's India visit. Although the grand gala at Rashtrapati Bhavan was teeming with dignitaries including Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, the "Jai ho" composer took out some time for a very special "little friend" -- a monkey!

AR Rahman’s ‘little friend’ at President’s dinner for Trump

BDC News

New Delhi, Feb 27 

Oscar-winning Indian composer AR Rahman was one of the guests at the recent dinner in the Capital hosted in honour of US President Donald Trump, during the latter’s India visit. Although the grand gala at Rashtrapati Bhavan was teeming with dignitaries including Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, the “Jai ho” composer took out some time for a very special “little friend” — a monkey!

At the dinner, Rahman went clickety-click, and a video he posted on Instagram has a monkey eating from a flower pot.

The musical genius revealed a bit of his humorous side in the caption: “Meanwhile our little friend was having dinner too!”

He had also posted an image with Army officers, besides an old shot of former President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam. “One of our heroes at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Extremely grateful for the kind invitation by the President for a special occasion!,” he captioned it.

Chef Vikas Khanna was also a part of the gathering. He posted a photo featuring him engaged in a conversation with Modi and Rahman.

“The moment I entered Rashtrapati Bhavan, everyone kept asking, if I was cooking for Trump-Modi Dinner. Here I’m telling @arrahman that we have #ChefMontuSaini creating magic in the kitchen. The Chef whose #CulinaryDiplomacy is Legendary,” Chef Khanna captioned it.

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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