What's in a banana?

What’s in a banana?

BDC News

New Delhi, March 16 Are you willing to jump a little high on the fitness bar this season? Well, fitness is not just about a balanced diet and a routine, it’s also about exercise and monitoring your food intake. If you have newly begun your journey to fitness, it’s recommended that you start slow, and focus on one single aspect of your diet. But fitness and health is more about being consistent, so what can help you remain on track?

Add bananas to your diet; this small yet necessary change in your food consumption will benefit you in the long run. A workout followed by a reward is more likely to sustain than ones with extremely high-intensity moves. Bananas can be a journey of sweet pleasures, so make it your best bet if you’re looking for a balanced diet amidst a messy schedule.

Kimaye Health underlines why you should include bananas in your everyday diet!

Why bananas?

Safe and healthy in its natural form, it serves as a balanced fruit with a perfect blend of vitamins and nutrients. Bananas offer massive health benefits and can be squeezed into your regular diet with zero effort. In a fast-paced unorganized schedule that most of us follow, we miss out on the right time to consume our meals. While there are multiple reasons to include a nutritious banana in your daily routine, we’ll bring it down to the 3 most important ones.

A full-fledged meal
Good quality bananas are 75% water with very little density. As summers in India can be harsh, you can rely on bananas to keep you well hydrated. Consuming two of them is equal to one full-fledged meal and can keep you sufficed for a substantial period of time. So, if you skip your workout for a day, this habit will balance out your fitness goal. They also help to improve digestion, heart rate and blood pressure in control.

Effortless and delicious
Banana is a good substitute for breakfast or pre & post-workout meals. In case you crave something sweet and delicious, a banana delicacy can easily be squeezed into your fitness regime. Bananas make the best base ingredients for pancakes and smoothies, as they taste heavenly, and are also quick and easy to prepare. Its natural essence of sugar makes the fruit a preferred choice. How effortless could it get?

3.Burst of nutrients

Bananas are rich in nutrients, especially potassium and Vitamin C. These elements can help to bring down blood pressure and improve the health of your heart. It could be a perfect aid to save you from unseen health problems that might arise in the future. Why should one wait to fall sick to disrupt a healthy routine?

So, if you’re taking baby steps to fitness, bananas should definitely be on your list! While they’re easily available, it’s always good to check before you purchase them. You won’t compromise on the quality of fitness, so why compromise on the diet? Cross two more streets maybe, but pick your bananas from the right store.

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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