Mumbai, March 20 Actor Sanjay Kapoor on Saturday uploaded an old picture of himself with late actor and friend Rajiv Kapoor. Along with the Instagram image, he was missing his close friend, who was also called Chimpu.
In the picture, the two friends pose for the camera and Rajiv playfully blocks his sister Rima Jain’s face as she tries to come in the frame.
“Miss you buddy. As usual Rima tried to get in the picture and trust Chimpu to do that,” wrote Sanjay along with the throwback photo.
Actor-filmmaker and late Bollywood legend Raj Kapoor’s youngest son Rajiv Kapoor passed away at a hospital near his Chembur residence after a heart attack on February 9. He was 58. He is best known for his starring in Raj Kapoor’s 1985 blockbuster “Ram Teri Ganga Maili”.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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