Hours after Richa Chadha criticised the services of travel company MakeMyTrip and airline Air India, the actor has shared an update about how her problem has been resolved. Taking to X (formerly known as Twitter) on Sunday, Richa said that her money was refunded within two hours after she complained about MakeMyTrip and Air India on X.
Richa Chadha shares update on her refund issue
Richa tweeted, “Update: Within hours of this tweet, I received the entire refund! For 2 weeks my assistant had followed up, to no avail. @makemytrip said the refund hadn’t come through from @airindia, hence the delay. I received one call from Air India’s social media team, not their customer service. I guess, they’re bothered by appearances, not poor service. Customers, plz always use your voice, big companies don’t care about you per se, they care about their image.”
Richa questions MMT, Air India
“And MMT and Air India, I appreciate all the help, thanks. Do ask yourselves – would you have been so prompt if it wasn’t a celebrity? If your answer is yes, pls read the comments under the tweet: you will find ordinary customers with unsolved queries. Solve them. You have your work cut out for you, and trust me this is the kind of positive PR money can’t buy. Happy new year everyone (heart exclamation and partying face emojis).”
Update : Within hours of this tweet, I received the entire refund! For 2 weeks my assistant had followed up, to no avail. @makemytrip said the refund hadn’t come through from @airindia , hence the delay. I received one call from Air India’s SOCIAL MEDIA team, not their customer… https://t.co/TyoxWBzvNo
— RichaChadha (@RichaChadha) December 31, 2023
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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