Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare had a registered wedding earlier this week and are now in Udaipur for the grand celebration. And pictures from the wedding festivities at Taj Lake Palace are proof it’s not a conventional gala. A few pictures show the bride and other guests doing headstands as part of the festivities. Others show them chilling in casuals.
What the bride and groom are up to
Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Ira shared a new picture of herself standing in the sun with a shake in her hand. She is seen in a short white lace dress with a leather jacket to beat the Udaipur winter. Nupur gave her a shoutout on Instagram, calling her ‘my wife’.
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Ira Khan captioned her new picture, “Because we’re playing dress-up all week,” and credited cousin and actor Zayn Marie Khan for clicking the picture. Commenting on her post, Nupur Shikhare wrote “My wife,” along with heart eyes, heart and kissing face emojis.
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Zayn Marie Khan showered the post with heart emojis and wrote, “You look like a winter rose.” A person wrote, “You guys are killing it with the shadi thing.” Another said, “Looking so most beautiful.” Many others congrulated her in the comments section.
Dropping a hint at what their wedding festivities were like, Ira shared two pictures of them doing headstands at the wedding venue. Giving an explanation, she wrote, “Can it be our wedding without a bunch of workouts? @nupur_popeye Warm up: Bring Sally Up – push-ups Workout: .Push-ups .Jump squats .Namashkar push-ups .Squat and press .Wide push-ups .Side squats .Burpees .Donkey kicks to wrestler sitouts Handstands + pictures!!”
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On her Instagram Stories, Ira Khan shared a picture of Nupur and her taking a nap during their Udaipur-bound flight. She was seen leaning on Nupur’s shoulder as both of them took a nap while sitting beside each other.
Ira also shared a wide-angle picture of the wedding party at the airport. It also showed Ira and her mom Reena Dutta in the frame. Some videos of the guests dancing with the folk dancers at the hotel were also shared by her and a few others.
Ira Khan is the daughter of Aamir Khan and his first wife Reena Dutta. Aamir and son Azad Rao Khan were spotted together at the Mumbai airport on Friday as they left for Udaipur. The bride and groom were also spotted. As per the reports, the wedding festivities in Udaipur will conclude on January 10.
Ira and Nupur tied the knot on January 3. The registered wedding was followed by a reception. Everyone, from Aamir’s second wife Kiran Rao, and son from first wife Junaid Khan, were present during the celebrations. Nupur jogged from his house to the wedding venue and got married in a black vest and white shorts.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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