Mumbai, May 7, 2016: The ongoing legal battle between Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut has been making it’s way to the headlines ever so often. A few days ago, Vidya Balan came in support of the ‘Queen’ actress. And now, Akshay Kumar has opened up about the legal battle between the A-list stars. At a recent event for his upcoming film ‘Housefull 3,’ when asked about the big war in Bollywood, Akshay replied, “The war isn’t happening in Bollywood – it’s happening in my building!” (Akshay and Hrithik reside in the same building.) But obviously, his reply made the entire hall crack up. However, when further pressed by a reporter, the Khiladi answered with a rather serious demeanour and said, “I would hope that everything ends in a nice way. That’s what the whole thing is – how long can the war go on? You guys are enjoying it so much. It shouldn’t happen like that. I think the time has come now for it to stop.”
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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