The Leaders of Tomorrow

BDC News

by Rakesh Veetekat

Governor Charles Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito have sent warm greetings as we are planning for JagoWorld’s 5th Young Voices Day and Certification Ceremony on May 30th. Please join us to inspire the youth members of our community to LEARN and SERVE. Come celebrate with us on Saturday May 30, 2015 at the Walpole Public Library from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

As of the beginning of 2012, the Young Voices Club has been creating young leaders exposed to the importance of public speaking, and teamwork in order to help each other grow speaking, debating, and persuasive skills.  By the end of every May, the clubs from Sharon, and Shrewsbury all come together in order to display their improvement from September through a single speech they would have worked a month on. These speeches show the hard work, and dedication each and every club member has put into their speaking skills every week. Young Voices Day allows each child to speak out about their aspirations, and to listen to many varieties of speeches in order to improve their own in the future. It is a gathering where the leaders of tomorrow are truly being born.

When I first expected to speak in front of my club in Shrewsbury, I felt nothing but nervousness and fear. I was fearful of making a mistake, or not being able to say anything because my mind would go blank. That was exactly what happened, and my speech didn’t last much over 30 seconds. Though it was an on the spot speech which did not have any preparation, if an event like that happens later on in my life when it really counts, then the consequences would be a lot more devastating. This club has shown me that public speaking is a skill that has many important uses in the future which improve leadership. The Young Voices Club exercises that leadership in its students by having the students run the club themselves. The slogan has been, and always will be “By the kids, for the kids”.

Without the experience I have gained the past two years I have been in this club, I would not be able to speak in presentations in school, and outside of school as well. I would be inexperienced in public speaking, and would still have stage fright which will inhibit me from taking on any leadership roles in the future when I start working. The public speaking and leadership club is essentially just like a school club in that it lets the students run the club themselves. Yet another advantage of Young Voices Club lies in their philosophy of “Learn, Serve, Lead”. After club members learn how to speak adamantly in front of an audience, they give back to the community they live in. After they learn and serve, they lead by teaching others what they have learned which restarts the cycle anew. A child who goes joins this club will overcome any fears involved with audiences and speaking, and will be able to work with others in the club to improve their speaking.

So come join all the future business leaders and politicians of tomorrow on Saturday, May 30 at the Walpole Public Library in order to listen to their speeches and to find out if you would like to help out any of these clubs in some way.

What: JagoWorld’s 5th YOUNG VOICES DAY 2015 (YVD2015)
(Public Speaking and Leadership Development Event)
When: Saturday, May 30 2015
Where: Walpole Public Library, 143 School St, Walpole, MA 02081
Cost: Free

Why should you attend YVD and how will attending YVD benefit you?

There are many reasons to attend YVD: the motivational speeches by accomplished leaders, a variety of presentations by members, fun team activities, networking, and valuable information that you can immediately use to improve your soft skills. But the most important reason is to get experience and MOTIVATE our future leaders. YVD brings the best all in one place to:

* Train your child to be an active listener.

* Inspire your child to be a well-rounded Leader.

* Motivate your child to be a master Public Speaker

* Encourage children and appreciate what they are capable of doing well.

* Appreciate volunteers and parents who are giving their weekend time for greater good.

* Encourage youth speakers and listen to their creative speeches.

* Quick presentation on the JagoWorld’s LEARNING and SERVICE projects.

 If you would like to know more about the Public Speaking and Leadership Development Club,  and other programs and services of JagoWorld, please contact Arun Chaudhari at

Registration for the year 20515-16 is open and club will resume in September 2015. Enroll online and pay dues before 8/31/2015 and receive 10% discount at:

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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