Mumbai, July 18 Veteran actor Anil Kapoor, who explored television and digital entertainment platform along with Bollywood cinema, says, as an artist, he does not look down upon other mediums of entertainment in comparison to the magnitude of cinema.
“I don’t look up or down to any medium. We choose the medium based on the nature of the story that we want to reach out to thousands of audience. At the end of the day, it is the celebration of the art of storytelling,” Anil Kapoor told IANS here.
“Yes, there is no doubt about the fact that cinema has a magnitude but I see no reason of look down upon television or web series,” he added.
According to Anil, diversity is the global trend in entertainment these days and “we should grab the opportunity to celebrate that through our world of entertainment.”
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Anil, who has figured in Oscar winning film “Slumdog Millionairea, “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol”, American television series “24”, and upcoming Amazon web series “Oasis”, playing the character of an NRI Punjabi in the film “Mubarakan”.
Talking about it, he said: “Kartar Singh (his character name) is an oddly emotional Punjabi who misses his pind (village) so much that he created a mini-Punjab in London where he grows vegetables, has a tractor just as he had in Punjab. I think that is what happens when you are away from your home, you miss your roots the most.”
He believes that technological advancement has given creative freedom to filmmakers as well as actors.
“I have acted in a science fiction film like ‘Mr India’ in 1987 where we were not technically advanced compared to present time. We had to put in certain extra effort… Not that a performer can act less and get away with it, but you see, for instance in our film ‘Mubarakan’, Arjun’s double role is looking so seamless because of technology.”
“As long as we are using technology to our creative best… it’s great for cinema and storytelling,” said the actor.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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