Chennai, July 22 Actor and music director G.V. Prakash Kumar on Friday reacted to the news of his winning the National Award for Best Music Director (Background Score) at the 68th National Film Awards by tweeing, “An important day in my life.”
Soon after the news broke out that he had won the award for his brilliant score in Sudha Kongara’s ‘Soorarai Pottru’, Prakash tweeted a letter that read: “One day you will make it big … One day you will win … One day everything will happen the way you want … And after a long wait, finally the day arrives.
“Thank you Universe, thank you all. Big thanks to my father Venkatesh and my entire family, including Saindhavi, Bhavani, and Anvi for all that they have given me.
“Big thanks team #Soorarai Pottru, director Sudha Kongara, Suriya sir, 2D and Rajasekar Pandian for giving me the opportunity to perform. Special thanks to all my musicians and my team, engineer producer Jehovahson. An important day in my life.”
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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