Mumbai, June 21 Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana, who has also crooned soulful songs such as ‘Paani Da Rang’, ‘Nazm Nazm’, ‘Saadi Galli Aaja’
among other chartbusters, shared on World Music Day that people can expect some really beautiful singles coming from him in the near future and he also details out what music means to his life and soul.
Ayushmann says: “Ever since I started making music, I aspired to usher in a different sound for people. I have tried to be on that journey every time I have sung. I want my musical identity to be effortless, new age, slightly off-beat yet cool, melodious and always youth facing.
“Today, I’m really excited to share that I have been working on some really beautiful tracks which I can’t wait to share.”
He added that music has always been his best friend.
“I have always maintained that I’m the happiest when I express through music and I’m eager to speak to people and bare my heart and soul with these new tracks. The microphone has been my companion since my school days — it has seen me through every phase of life.
“So, I’m really going to pour my heart out this time with these new songs that are coming your way.”
On the work front, Ayushmann will be next seen in two very interesting projects this year – Anubhuti Kashyap’s ‘Doctor G’ and film-maker Aanand L. Rai’s ‘Action Hero’ being directed by debutant Anirudh Iyer.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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