Mumbai, May 27 (IANS) Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Friday said he will talk about the ‘Beti bachao, Beti padao’ campaign when he takes to the stage at the celebration of two years of Narendra Modi’s government.
The 73-year-old will be present at India Gate on Saturday.
“I have been invited to host a small segment in the programme. I am attached to a campaign ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padao’, that is the show I will be doing. It is being hosted by actor R Madhavan.
“I will be doing just a small segment. It’s along with something that I have been doing with United Nations. I am the UN ambassador for the girl child mission, so I will be just talking about that,” Amitabh told media at the music launch of his film “TE3N”.
Ever since the news of Amitabh’s association with the government’s programme broke questions were raised by many, including the Congress party, over the actors’s participation in the show.
The event at India Gate is likely to include talk shows on the government’s achievements, interspersed with cultural programmes.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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