Camaraderie over the cuppa

Camaraderie over the cuppa

Camaraderie over the cuppa.

BDC News

New Delhi, April 25  A week-long survey aimed at understand how millennials and the Gen Z is currently coping with social distancing and working from home during the lockdown, has given surprising insights.

The survey by Italian coffee brand Lavazza, titled “Productively Brew-ding”, shows that the respondents’ relationship with coffee goes beyond it being just a beverage; they see coffee as both, a productivity enabler in order to churn out those extra hours of work, and a companion if they decided to take a break, any time of the day. The survey was taken by over 5,000 respondents from across all major Indian cities including Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi.

So is it hot or cold coffee for the lockdown? We like our coffee cold as nearly half the respondents (45 percent) chose a cold brew or a cold coffee as their go-to drink

Coffee boosts productivity when working from home say 40 percent of the respondents; admitting that non-stop rounds of coffee is what keeps them productive while working from home

49 per cent of the millennial workforce miss their morning coffee with colleagues, more than any other aspect of their morning work routine; this is specially for those who associate coffee with productivity. This reiterates that coffee is both a productivity enabler and a companion for the millennial generation

Missing the smell of freshly brewed coffee as they walk into their office pantry say 47 per cent of those surveyed.

Nearly 40 per cent prefer fixing a snack and a coffee when taking a break from work; this beats taking a power nap at 28 percent and a quick workout, preferred only by 20 per cent.

Amongst those missing meeting people outside their homes during the lockdown, 77 per cent miss a coffee date with their significant other, while 23 percent miss family gatherings

When it comes to down time 25 percent of the respondents prefer to have a cup of coffee in their cozy spot while 36 chose scrolling through


Of the 40 per cent who associate coffee with productivity, nearly 60 per cent ely on coffee to keep themselves happy.

A whopping 68 per cent prefer some form of coffee (whether hot or cold) to get them through an all-nighter!

In terms of preference:

The workforce segment prefers hot black coffee

Students (predominantly Gen Z) prefer a cold fix

“Lavazza’s dedication has always been towards building social connections through the love for coffee. With the whole world currently under lockdown, we definitely miss socializing with our friends and colleagues over a cup of coffee and we’re sure this applies to each of us! The intention behind the Productively Brew-ding survey was to understand how the millennial and Gen Z population is dealing with the concept of social distancing, especially working from home. We were pleasantly surprised to find out that the younger sets of our population are depending on their daily dose of coffee to boost themselves up regularly. As anticipated, over 49 per cent millennials are missing their morning cup of coffee with their colleagues and interestingly, a massive 60 percent of those channelizing their productivity through coffee also associate he beverage with their happy place as per the survey,” said Rachna Anbumani, Vice-President, Marketing, Lavazza India.


(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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