Cheryl was a depressed teen

BDC News

London, Nov 4 (IANS) Singer Cheryl says she was depressed as a teenager and would not like to see that time again.
The 33-year-old singer said she was constantly “worried sick” during her school days, reported Female First.
“Kids just don’t have the courage to talk to someone. I was just a general worrier, it’s in my nature, I would worry about the world, I’d worry sick if I saw something on the news. I was quite a depressed teenager, to be honest, I didn’t enjoy them at all. Worried about exams, everything. I worried I was going to be a failure.
“Your hormones play a huge part in your teenage years of how you feel. I wouldn’t go back to my teenage years for love nor money,” Cheryl said.
The “X Factor” judge, who is fronting a campaign for Childline to mark the 30th anniversary of the charity, said she can completely relate to the troubled youngsters using the service.
“It breaks my heart to think that you’re in that much pain that you turn to harming yourself as a release. It’s a massive, massive problem.

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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