Donald Trump Is MAD at Aziz Ansari

BDC News

New York, May 26:  US Presidential candidate was furious after watching on TV recent comments of Aziz Ansari that Hollywood and American TV will be dominated by Indian actors.  Mr. Trump called an emergency press conference.  He shouted by pounding podium “Yesterday I made an announcement that I will build another wall around Hollywood to keep Indian actors out of  Hollywood.”  He said, “How dare Mr. Ansari claims that brown Indians will dominate Hollywood and American TV.  Indians cannot enter the Hollywood because I will build a humongous wall around Hollywood.”  
His supporters gave a standing ovation to Mr. Trump when he asked his supporters not to watch TV that would definitely keep Indian actors out of American TV.  One die-hard supporter shouted, “Send our TVs back to China.  We need TVs made in the USA by companies in the Atlantis.”
He further suggested that he would build a third wall around Aziz Ansari’s house in New York.  An aid to Mr. Trump whispered in his ear that Aziz Ansari resides in Los Angeles, not in the New York.  Mr. Trmup yelled, over the microphone, at his campaign-aid , “fart-brain, how could that be possible.  Los Angeles is West of New York which is east of Atlantis, which is south of Pacific where Titan drowned.  You are fired!!!”  He said that he would make Obama pay for the wall around Aziz Ansari’s house.
President Obama replied through his chief-of-staff that he would not pay for it and he would appeal to UN Security Council.

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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