Mumbai, May 12 He’s a successful filmmaker, chat show host, reality TV show judge, a writer and more rolled into one. But Karan Johar says when he was entering showbiz, he faced questions doubting what he could do.
“At the very beginning of my career there were questions that doubted me on what I would achieve years down the line. It’s simple… The answers lie within, so keep seeking,” Karan said in a statement about Johnnie Walker’s #LoveScotch initiative.
He went down memory lane in his new Dharma Productions office as the brand celebrated his personal progress through a video.
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“The new Dharma Productions office is a symbol of my success,” said Karan.
The 60-second digital video has been executed by Dharma 2.0 team and directed by Sharan Sharma. It juxtaposes the brand with Karan’s journey, which has all been about defying norms.
“By building on this narrative, we hope to inspire a positive culture shift in India that promotes and encourages the idea that it’s the walk within which propels you forward,” said Nitesh Chhapru, Vice President – Marketing at USL – Diageo.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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