Yahya Ibrahim
Yahya Ibrahim

Filmmaking not easy, but an exciting job: Yahya Ibrahim

BDC News

Mumbai, Feb 25  Debutant filmmaker Yahya Ibrahim feels that making a film is not easy though it’s exciting. Ibrahim has announced his

Yahya Ibrahim
Yahya Ibrahim

first Bollywood movie ‘Zufash’ that will star Ravi Bhatia and Tollywood actress Kriti Garg in lead roles.

The film also stars popular actors like Mushtaq Kak, Amit Antil, and Vikas Shukla, among others and is directed by Naseem Khan and Sakib Shaikh.

He says: “I had no clue that a day will come when I will try my hands in film making. It was such an unplanned investment for me. I’m glad that Naseem Bhai, who is directing the movie, brought in the idea and helped me explore such an amazing experience. We shot in Kashmir which was really thrilling as it was too cold. We worked as a wonderful and hardworking team. I would definitely say filmmaking is not an easy job but yes it is really exciting and fun filled.”

He also revealed he had a childhood dream to act.

“During my childhood whenever I used to see a hero in a movie, I used to think if someday I can act like him. But with time I got diverted with my studies and then got into earning. But today when I’m producing a movie, I feel at last I’m living my dream, if not as a hero then at least as a producer. I’m finally a part of showbiz.”


(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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