Films can bring positive change in gender inequality: Actresses
BDC NewsFilms can bring positive change in gender inequality. Mumbai, Sep 22 (IANS) Megastar Amitabh Bachchans latest movie “Pink” has brought gender issues to the fore yet again. Popular TV actresses like Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Deepika Singh and Moulli Ganguly feel cinema can bring in a much needed change in society when it comes to women-related issues.
They feel there’s a long way to go before gender inequality can be eradicated. But have they witnessed any change in people’s mindset towards the issue of gender inequality because of cinema?
Here’s what the actresses had to say:
Moulli Ganguly: I feel it’s both ways. Nothing external can bring major change within us, until we realise, understand and decide to bring the change. It can help as a catalyst, but only to an extent, that too only for the minds that are open to change. I am from Kolkata and feel blessed to be born in a family where we never faced any such issue.
Roopal Tyagi: Films definitely can bring in a change in the society because most of us — when we watch something — it stays with us and is stuck in our head for a while. I do see a lot of change in society in terms of gender equality, but at the same time now all the feminists out there are also slightly taking advantage of the situation.
Hunar Hale: Many films like ‘Pink’ do register the changes before our eyes by influencing each other. Comparing to earlier times, when women used to be at home dependent on men, today a man gains another bread winner in the household when he marries.
Madhura Naik: Films can be a great influence on the society and they can bring in a lot of positive change. The best example is ‘Pink’. Also things are now changing for good and women are looked as equals now. And I’m sure more such films can help bringing the change.
Tejasswi Prakash: During the age we are living in, people mostly are influenced by movies or serials. They follow the trends, so if movies are meant to bring social change in society, somehow and somewhere, it does bring it. Thanks to the family I come from, I have never faced any gender issues.
Devoleena Bhattacharjee: Yes, films definitely can bring in a change. But that change is there for a week or for a month. Later, things get back to the same. I personally believe that a person who wants a change in the society, shouldn’t need to watch movies for it. Change should be from within.
Roop Durgapal: Films majorly are a reflection of the society that we live in and it can be vice versa too. The only bad experiences I have faced in life are of gender bias, when people constantly make you feel that being a girl you can’t do this or that. Girls have been taught since ages and now I feel it’s the boys who need to learn and change.
Deepika Singh: We watch films and believe what is shown is true. Hence, films are very important as their impact is huge. Everyone goes through bad experiences in life and it’s normal. We all learn from it and I’ve also done the same. Gender equality exists today as well, but the only difference is that it’s not that bad as it was earlier.
Mahika Sharma: Films are made with a moto to entertain masses and bring positive changes in the society. Mostly people accept them. They help us to grow with lots of knowledge and somewhere they have changed the society too. I am happy that we are coming out of gender issues. These days it is not the same like it was earlier.
Shamin Manan: Films have a huge impact on the society. Films like ‘Pink’ are a movement in themselves. I personally believe films are no less than any other educational medium. Of late, there has been a major change in the society regarding the issue of gender equality. But still we have a long way to go.
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