Mumbai, July 22 Actress Akanksha Thakur and actor Vishal Vashishtha whose new slice-of-life drama webseries ‘Ghar Waapsi’ premieres on OTT on Friday, had an amazing time working with the show’s director Ruchir Arun. While Akanksha praises the director for his crystal clear vision, Ruchir’s trust on his actor is something that impresses Vishal.
Reflecting on her experience on set, Akanksha Thakur said: “Working with Ruchir was a lot of fun. I’ve been wanting to work with him for a while now and I finally got that opportunity with this show. He’s a fun director to have on set, he always keeps the energy going, he keeps it light and easy.”
She further mentioned, “I think as an actor, for me what’s more important is that the director knows what he wants from the scene and from you, which I think Ruchir is very clear about. And he also lets you do your own thing which is great and that sort of makes you really comfortable as an actor on set. So, yes, he is a lot of fun to have around and he’s really good, he’s a really good director.”
The story of the show revolves around the Dwivedi household in Indore following the homecoming of their beloved son. The 6-episode long series also stars Atul Shrivastava, Vibha Chibber, Saad Bilgrami, and Anushka Kaushik. It is produced by Dice Media, and Ashwin Suresh serves as the showrunner in the series.
Vishal Vashishtha, who had previously worked with the director said: “Best thing about Ruchir is that he trusts his actors. This is a blessing for us. But he also knows when to intervene like when he feels an actor is getting stuck. It was one of the biggest reasons for me to work on this show. I had a gala time working with him in my previous projects too. But Ghar Waapsi is so much more layered and emotionally driven. From the moment I read the script, I knew Ruchir was going to ace it.”
‘Ghar Waapsi’ is available on Disney+ Hotstar.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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