Harry Styles had shoes stolen

BDC News

Los Angeles, Nov 5  Singer-actor Harry Styles says he opts to wear boots because fans once stole the shoes he was wearing.
“I lost my shoes. I think it was, we got off the train in Paris and I was walking and I ended up feeling like my feet weren’t touching the floor, I was floating along and then I got in the car and was like ‘I haven’t got any shoes on’. That’s why I started wearing boots,” Styles said in an interview on “Harry at the BBC”, reports femalefirst.co.uk.
The singer says the constant spotlight never bothered him and he just felt very “lucky” to be a part of the group One Direction, who went on hiatus over 18 months ago.

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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