Hitanshu Jinsi
Hitanshu Jinsi.

Hitanshu Jinsi: Losing my father at 13 has made me more compassionate

BDC News

Mumbai, Jan 8  Actor Hitanshu Jinsi, who is best known for his role in ‘Sacred Games’, lost his father at the age of 13. He said that the hardship he saw in his growing-up years has made him more caring and understanding.

The actor, who played Lord Krishan in ‘Yashomati Maiyya Ke Nandlala’ has been roped in as one of the leads for Sandiip Sikchand’s upcoming show.

“Whatever has happened to me over these years has definitely made me more experienced in life. I think I have had so many hardships since childhood that I have become empathetic toward others’ sadness. I have become more compassionate over time,” he shared.

The actor tries to find joy in little things in life.

“Happiness for me is seeing a happy world around me. Happiness is the cure for many diseases like depression. My mother was depressed for a long time. She still has not come out of it fully. So I make sure she is happy.

“I also have mood swings because even though I am a human being, I make sure it does not affect anyone around me. I stay alone when I am not happy or confused.”

Hitanshu calls himself an extrovert and an introvert, both, and revealed that his personality depends on the company he is in.

“When I meet someone I find it a little difficult to strike up a conversation. And I do not open up with everyone easily. But if I am vibing with someone, then I might open up earlier than usual,” he said.

What makes him happy or changes his mood?

“Listening to ’90s Bollywood songs mostly that of Shah Rukh and Salman Khan. I feel so happy that I start singing and lip-syncing the song and imagine myself performing in front of the mirror.

“The second thing I do to make myself happy is to be around dogs. I just play with them, feed them and talk to them and try to listen to what they say and respond,” he said.


(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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