Did Hrithik Roshan Discuss Kangana Ranaut with Zayed Khan?

BDC News

Tuesday, 03 May 2016
Find out what Hrithik’s ex-brother-in-law had to say
People close to Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut have been giving their statements to the press, and this has made the feud even more complicated. Now, in a report by Mid-Day, Zayed Khan spoke about his equation with Hrithik, this legal tussle and how the Khan family will always support him.
He was quoted saying, “Hrithik is my brother and I support him in this. My family has also supported him throughout and will continue to do so. I must also say that he has handled the matter with a lot of maturity and honesty unlike the other party. It’s been tough, but he has always been a joyful and happy soul, and is being himself even in this situation. He kept focus on every other aspect of his life very well despite this thing. I know he is honest; however, I cannot comment on what people out there might think, judge or say.”
When asked about sister Sussanne supporting her ex-husband on social media he said, “That shows our real character or who we are. That shows our upbringing, the respect we have for each other. Hrithik and I meet on a regular basis and he has discussed the matter with me, but I am not going to reveal what he shared with me. We trust Hrithik in this matter and therefore, the support.”

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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