Mumbai, July30, 2016:Bollywood actor and philanthropist Salman Khan, is all set to venture out into new territory with his brand Being Human. The actor has teamed up with a Pune-based jewellery brand to launch a new jewellery range called ‘Being Human Jewels’, and who better than his good friend and former co-star to promote it? According to latest reports, Sri Lankan beauty Jacqueline Fernandez has been appointed as the face of the brand along with Salman Khan. The ‘Kick’ co-stars were spotted at the famous Mehboob studios for a photo shoot on Friday. There were reports of a fallout between the two when news about a ‘Kick’ sequel started doing the rounds. However, those rumours can now be laid to rest. We’re sure fans, who’re eager to see Sallu and Jackie on the big screen, wouldn’t mind television commercials and billboards for now.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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