New Delhi, Sep 13 (IANS) After delivering a critically acclaimed film Airlift earlier this year, Nimrat Kaur is yet to sign her next Bollywood project. The actress, who was busy shooting for Wayward Pines in Vancouver for most of the year, says she is back and getting into the groove of things here. January was when Airlift released, and it was like one thing after the other and before you knew it, it was all over and then my sister was getting married so that was like a month of festivities and madness, and during my sisters wedding came up a job that required me to spend almost half a year in Vancouver, Nimrat told IANS in an email interview..
I have been up to a lot in the last year: Nimrat. This article is published at 13 September 2016 01:29 from Yahoo India news, click on the read full article link below to see further details.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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