Reena Jadhav – Actress turned Producer

BDC News

Razia Mashkoor

My yet another talk with Reena Jadhav. Accidentally became actress, turned the producer. Do read and let me know about your thoughts. Cheers..

Q. Where did you grow up?

A. Born and brought up in Mumbai.


Q.What is your favorite memory of your childhood?

A. I used to play with dolls


Q. Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

A. My biggest influence in my life is my mother & my life itself.


Q. What do you love about this career? How did it begin?

A. Being actor and producer definitely this is positive side for me I love to create beautiful bona fide content. Movies that are produced for a motive to influence mankind and to raise perception for divergent social issues in our society. The beauty of film-making is to inspire social change due to their ability to teach viewers about experiences outside their own perspective, inspire empathy, and raise politically charged questions.


Q. How is this production bringing something exciting to your life?

A. This is not only just a production for me this is my strength or you can say power because you will get freedom in your own production to put your thoughts and point of view about subject Cinema is a mirror of society and a Quick fix to help reach mass through. When I decided to act in movies which has a great parallel tradition of poetic realism and locating heroism in common lives.that time I like my director Junaid ji script that I personally feel even my partner Mr.Pradip Deshmukh also suggest me to produce this film as producer so this way it has begun.


Q.Tell us something about your new film
A. Mahalaxmi cine-vision present “Merit Animal” is my first debut film as a producer
We hope our film Merit Animal proves to be a Eye-opener for our society.
We tried to convey hypocritical two faces of education system through this film .
One is competitive urban life and other one is rural hardship.


Q. What changes you are experiencing in Bollywood after pandemic?

A. The film industry is experiencing considerable losses they had to release movie through the digital platform. At the end of the day, film need viewers back and theaters to open for a vibrant and energetic industry that we always knew.


Q. What do you do when you’re not doing shooting?

A. I’ll do everything at home the way house wives do ; taking care of my 4yr kid cooking for all family member, outings with my kid & family,dropping & picking my kid from school


Q. What does your future hold?

A. I love to working on realistic story so, that’s why My upcoming film is novel based Biography, it’s in the pipeline.


Q. Anything you want to share with your audience?

A. I’m in the industry from past 10 years as a actress but as a producer this my first project I request each and everyone for support and motivation so that I build realistic movies .

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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