Ajitpal Singh’s debut Hindi feature, “Fire In The Mountains” was feted with the Best Indie Film award at the ongoing Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM), 2021. The self-taught filmmaker finds it heartwarming to see that his movie is earning love.
Excited about winning the Best Indie Film at IFFM, Ajitpal who is currently busy in the post-production of his upcoming web series set in Punjab says: “We had our Australian premiere at the IFFM and it feels great to win the Best Indie Film, our eighth award. It’s heart-warming to see aFire in the Mountains’ travelling across the world and earning love.”
The 82-minute intense family drama about a mother who toils to save money to build a road in a remote Himalayan village to take her wheelchair-bound son for physiotherapy but her husband believes that a shamanic ritual (Jagar) is the remedy, steals her savings.
The film features Vinamrata Rai, Chandan Bisht and Sonal Jha, and first-time young actors from Uttarakhand, Harshita Tewari and Mayank Singh Jaira.
The Jar Pictures production, “Fire In The Mountains” is produced by Ajay Rai and Alan McAlex and co-produced by Mauli Singh and Amit Mehta.
“Fire In The Mountains” is the closing film of the IFFM.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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