Mumbai, Jan 12 (IANS) Actor Aditya Roy Kapur, who will be seen sharing screen space with his Aashiqui 2 co-star Shraddha Kapoor in his upcoming film OK Jaanu, says the duo can call each other whenever they want as they are “anytime friends”.
Aditya and Shraddha will be seen together promoting the film on the second season of Yaar Mera Superstar. Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur shared on that show that they are on each others’ speed dial.
Asked whether they are four a.m. friends, Aditya said: “We can basically call each other whenever we want. We are anytime friends.”
The episode of Yaar Mera Superstar featuring Aditya and Shraddha will be aired on Saturday on Zoom.
Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapoor have expressed great modern romance and chemistry on the trailers of Ok Jaanu.
Previously in another interview, Shraddha Kapoor had said that she thinks her Ok Jaanu co-star Aditya Roy Kapur looks hot in the remake version of maestro A R Rahman’s song ‘Humma Humma’.
“Some of my friends have gone crazy about him (Aditya) in the song, his pelvic moves. They were like ‘He is so hot’,” Shraddha said.
When asked if she too thinks Aditya was hot in the song, Shraddha shot back saying, “Yes, I do think he was hot (in the song). He brings his own charm to anything that he does and that is his USP.”
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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