After SRK's US immigration fiasco, Amjad Ali Khan's UK visa rejected

BDC News

New Delhi, Aug 12 (IANS) It seems like a bad day to be a Khan in the Western world. After Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan was stopped at US immigration, it seems like sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan was denied a UK visa. The musician was set to perform at Royal Festival Hall and was shocked to see his UK visa application rejected.
He wrote on Twitter: “Shocked & appalled. #UK visa rejected. scheduled to perform at the #RoyalFestivalHall in Sep @HCI_London @MEAIndia @SushmaSwaraj @UKinIndia. My UK visa rejected. Extremely sad for artists who are spreading the message of love & peace @HCI_London @MEAIndia @UKinIndia @SushmaSwaraj. Performing almost every year in #UK since the early 70s. Upset to have my visa rejected @HCI_London @MEAIndia @UKinIndia @SushmaSwaraj.”


(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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