Tuesday, 26 April 2016
It’s always great to see Sush in action!
The oh-so-glamorous and the sensational Sushmita Sen made her debut on Instagram. With her debut on the photo sharing site, the former Miss Universe set a million hearts on fire.
Despite her disappearance on the silver screen, the diva who is quite active on Twitter has a following of 2.5 million and within minutes of her debut on Instagram, her following count reached to 10,800.
The dimpled beauty also shared a cute video of her two daughter singing. Hold your breath and look at these pictures which will leave you speechless.
Sushmita Sen has been on Twitter for a while now but the actress made her Instagram debut recently and shared a video of her daughters Renee and Alisah along with a few pictures from her holidays.
Sushmita, who has been off movies for a while, posted a video of her daughters Renee and Alisah singing a song from the popular animated filmFrozen.
Her first post on Instagram was a collage of her pics looking ravishing in a strapless costume. She wrote: “Here begins my journey on Instagram!!! let the visuals tell their stories!!! #forever #momentsoflife #capturedintime #mmuuaah.
On the professional front, Sush was last seen in the Bengali film Nirbak.
Yours truly takes a leap of faith!!!!??
letting go can be so beautiful once we CHOOSE it!!!
#breakinginertia #livingfree ???
A photo posted by Sushmita Sen (@sushmitasen47) on
Rènee over the moon to finally see me on Instagram ??
she insists I post this picture!!!? #daughterschoice
A photo posted by Sushmita Sen (@sushmitasen47) on
? this HAD to be the first video I post!!!?? my two nightingales belting it out ??? this video can brighten up Anyone’s day!!! For me…it’s my LIFE!!!
?? #RèneeSen #AlisahSen #blessed #thankugod ?
A video posted by Sushmita Sen (@sushmitasen47) on
What can we say! We just thank Sushmita Sen for making this world a more beautiful place.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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