Mumbai, Dec 24 Director Shachindra Vats says it was certainly not easy to convince veteran actor Annu Kapoor for a role in his web series, Paurashpur. Annu portrays the role of King Bhadrapratap in the show.
“Given his exemplary body of work spanning over decades, and variety of characters, it is certainly not easy to convince Annuji for a role. Be it comedy, drama, or characters with grey shades, Annuji has pulled off every role with great aplomb. When it comes to Paurashpur, I can only say that I had the fortune of working with such a great actor,” Vats said.
He added: “King Bhadrapratap has shades of grey but the character exudes power and attitude, and Annu Ji has done full justice to the role. He has portrayed Bhadrapratap effortlessly, understanding the nuances well. You give him any character, and he adapts to it so nicely,” the director added.
The director added: “I am a huge fan of him, and I am sure the audience and his fans will always remember his role in Paurashpur for years to come.”
As the ruler of Paurashpur kingdom, Bhadrapratap dictates patriarchy, thereby exploiting women of his kingdom.
The period drama series also features Shilpa Shinde, Milind Soman, Sahil Salathia, Anantvijay Joshi, Shaheer Sheikh, Poulomi Das, Flora Saini, Aditya Lal among others, and streams on ALTBalaji and Zee5.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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