The Hrithik Roshan-Kangna Ranaut controversy is turning uglier by the day. With constant mudslinging, the actors have left no stone unturned in tarnishing each other’s image. However, there was a time when the two shared some happy moments together. We came across one video in which both are seen rehearsing together. It was a time when everything was fine between them. Their friendship commenced during the first movie they did together – ‘Kites’. It was only after ‘Krrish 3’ that they started having an alleged affair. In the first part of the video, Kangana is seen rehearsing some western dance moves while Hrithik is seen trying some tricky dance step which is reflected in the mirror. In the second part, Hrithik is seen rehearsing with his choreographer. This was the time when things were good between the two.
While the Kangana-Hrithik saga is out in the open, it was hidden since a long time.
(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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