India is obsessed with India-born super achievers: We are still Google-searching Sundar Pichai!

BDC News
Posted on Febby Sakshi Behl
Acknowledging and appreciating Sundar Pichai’s meteorological rise is one thing, going overboard with it entirely another!
After Microsoft announced Sundar Pichai as its new CEO, the Indian community wasted no time in celebrating Pichai’s humanly impossible achievement, or at least that’s how it’s playing out to be. It went on for days, with the media giving him front-page space, making it seem more and more like someone had just discovered life on Mars.
Sundar Pichai would have worked very hard in his life. He must have made sacrifices so that he could one day become significant. Many of us have that dream, of becoming famous, but only some of us get that break. Because Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Google today does not make him the most intelligent person around. Others, who are smarter, lead average lives because opportunities didn’t come their way.
What he has achieved is truly remarkable, but not unprecedented. Last year, Satya Nadella was named CEO of Microsoft. It was an equally powerful development from the Indian context. Many more Indians are making waves in the western world. We must appreciate such efforts and move on with our lives, towards realising our personal dreams. Instead, we get caught up in celebrating other peoples’ lives without knowing when to stop.
Wise men say we should not blindly focus on ourselves, we shouldn’t be self-centered. Rather, we must appreciate the journey of others; we must take a step back and value what other people attain. Unfortunately, we have developed a tendency to take this life lesson way too seriously. We remain in awe for days together. We find it unbelievable that a man of just 43 managed to scale so high in life. The unrestrained euphoria witnessed in television studios, newspapers, public discourse and other platforms, for days together, reflects our lack of exposure, our inability to accept super success without being overwhelmed.
Becoming CEO of Google is worth noticing, not wasting time on. It’s an individualistic feat, a personal milestone. Sundar Pichai has not created a ladder to the moon, he hasn’t invented treatment for cancer and AIDS. He hasn’t made any difference to the world.
Applauding quietly and moving on with an inspiration would have been a better way to celebrate his achievements.

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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