'I Am Not Iulia's Friend, I Am Salman's Friend': Daisy Shah

BDC News

Tuesday, 14 June 2016
The Jai Ho actress clears her stance on the rift between her and ‘friend’ Salman
Just yesterday we reported about how Salman Khan’s alleged girlfriend isn’t too happy about the star’s friendship with his co-star and actress Daisy Shah. So much so, that Iulia apparently even asked the Khandaan to maintain distance from Daisy and we also hear that the family lovingly obliged given that Iulia might soon become a Khan bahu!
Thus, to clarify the situation, Bollywood Life exclusively got in touch with Daisy Shah, who laughed off the whole episode and said, “No there is nothing as such. Media is just creating rubbish news out of nowhere.”
However, when Bollywood Life asked her about her relations with Iulia Vantur, Daisy said, “I am not her friend. So, it doesn’t really matter if she is there or not. I am Salman’s friend, he means a lot to me, his family means a lot to me, and again I give her due respect because she is my friends’ friend. So that acknowledgement is there, but I really don’t know anything about her. She has been introduced as Salman’s friend and that’s all I know about her.”
Regarding all the hype about Salman’s impending marriage, Daisy says, “I think he is the right person to comment about his marriage rather than anybody else. We don’t know what is actually happening. We do talk about a lot of things. We are very much in touch, but we don’t talk about our personal lives.”
Ahem! Looks like Iulia might have to change her game, Daisy and Bhai are still good friends!

(This story has not been edited by BDC staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed from IANS.)
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